> Sun, Apr 7, 2024 • 7:01 PM

Finally installed a zipper into the tote I bought at Marshalls a few years ago. It's not the best installation, and it's not my ideal type of zipper for a bag, but it's done. I just wanted to be able to close the damn thing so the contents wouldn't risk spilling out while I'm out doing shit or when I throw it at my feet in the car. I might go over my admittedly lazy and loose stitching with another round, filling in the gaps, but I'm doing that when I feel like putting in the effort.

Marshalls Halloween tote bag

Apparently the person my Mom is living with is spending literally all of his money on weed, to the point where he's not paying his half of the bills in the house.
She is contemplating only paying her half and letting the bills go until he picks up his slack, and I think she should. Fuck all of that noise. If I had the money and room, I'd help her, but we don't. I hate these parasitic assholes that keep taking advantage of her kindness and her inability to leave, and it seems to keep happening. It's not like my Mom makes a ton of money to begin with. She's old. She doesn't have a job. She doesn't have retirement or a savings. She doesn't have assets to rely on. I don't know -what- to do to help her. Her car doesn't even fucking work, so she has to trade it in at a loss to try to get something that does, and doesn't have to rely on a bunch of fragile modern computer shit.

I need to get my own key for this place so I can start going on walks again, especially with it getting warmer outside, which will only increase as we get further into spring. I've gained way more weight than I'd like, and I know the beer doesn't help, but the sedentary nature of my current lifestyle is the main contributing factor. I've lost the weight before. I can do it again.

My headaches are getting more and more frequent. I need to get my wisdom teeth removed. Do I think that will solve all of my problems? No, absolutely not. But I think it will help. I believe at least some of my headaches are caused by TMJ, and I believe at least some of that TMJ is caused by my top wisdom teeth crowding into my jaw joint / ear area. Even though, lately, a lot of my headaches have been behind my eyes or in my temple. Those might simply be a matter of turning the brightnesses of my screens down, because of eye strain. I should do that more often. I also need to get another pair of yellow blue-light filter glasses. And new reading glasses in general.

I really need to figure out a key to refer to certain people on here because the overlapping pronouns make some of my sentences and paragraphs hard to navigate, even by my standards. While I can think of symbols, I get worried about overlap with those as well. I'd like to avoid special characters because I don't want to have to copy and paste those every time from somewhere else, and they fuck up the text input form on Neocities and most other sites, were I to need to import this site somewhere else. So if I want to edit my entries later, it's a giant fucking mess.
I'll think of something eventually.
But that time isn't now. Now, I need to get off my ass and do the dishes.

Offspring: Slim Pickens Does the Right Thing and Rides the Bomb to Hell