Social Fascism Tue, Apr 2, 2024 • 7:00 PM

I hate when people try to dictate the taste of others.
And I don't mean stuff that promotes or caters to pedophilia or bestiality or rape fetishists or whatever. Fuck those people and fuck those fetishes. Mental disorders like those need mandated psychological counselling, not indulgence.

I specifically mean stuff like "You can't listen to this band because this singer / owner / member did some bad thing!"
Well, first off, who the fuck are you?
Second, how does this impact whether or not the music, itself, agrees with my eardrums? How does this impact whether or not I have personal attachments and emotions related to the songs?

Oh, excuse me, am I just supposed to -forget- that this song brings me back to a place and time that I'd rather remember fondly? Or reminds me of a person that I dearly miss? Because the singer, who I've never met, never plan on meeting, and who has nothing to do with me, said some bad shit about trans people in the 1960s or something?

How about you eat my fucking ass?

I don't know where these piss ant nobodies get off thinking they're the arbiters of media and people's tastes.
You're nothing, and your opinions have absolutely nothing resembling a bearing on what I or anyone else likes.
You can tantrum, handflap, keyboard-screech, or do whatever you need to do to express your infantile emotional outbursts all you like, but at the end of the day, you have no say on anything in the grander picture.
And you can sit and stew in that and die mad for all I care. Stop trying to tell people what they can and can't like.

"But you're like... supporting their evil through listening to their music and paying for it, an d stuff!"

That's false, too, dickshit. We're living in the 21st century. Torrents are but a search away. I know how to do it. You know how to do it. Your toddler-aged cousins know how to do it.
You don't have to support anything.

This is exclusively a terminally-online thing, too. You can tell that these people don't have any friends in real life, because their Karen-ass behavior would not be tolerated in the flesh.
The only thing they can threaten you with is your internet reputation, and Holy Mother of God, they fucking hate when you don't give a shit and they can't play their singular card. I've clashed with a lot of these types over the years, even ones that I didn't interact with of my own doing, and I do wonder if that's what spurned it. They can't take anything from me. They don't have any power over me. They have nothing.
They're just modern-age highschool bullies playing victim, and not giving them that power is a blow to their spoiled little narcisstic egos.
Like everything else, they're the same shit that they cry out against, in a different coat of paint.

I remember when the pearl-clutchers and book-burners were the bad people. Now, the "progressives" are so brainwashed that they think actual Nazi tactics are protecting society.
I grew up in a time when I got treated like everloving -shit- by Christian conservative types because I dressed in too much black and was "the devil" and a "Satan-worshipper," and now the other side is doing this over questioning or criticizing certain identities and how society is shifting around those things.

It's absurd, it's hypocritical, and I have no time for it.

I'll close this out by saying that, if you, for a -second-, think you're going to dictate my personal taste on anything, ever in my life:
I'm just going to do it more to piss you off.
And there's not a single goddamned thing you can do about it.
Fuck you.

Savant: Prototype