> Mon, Apr 1, 2024 • 12:20 PM

I can't sleep today. I've been sleeping until around 2 in the afternoon lately, but I can't today. My mind keeps tossing and turning and keeping me awake, and then I just get bored of laying in bed doing nothing.
Maybe I've been sleeping too much lately and my body is oversaturated with it. I don't know.

It's raining. I'd like to go out for a morning walk, but I don't have keys to this place yet.

I guess one of my older cousins got addicted to meth, got dumped by his wife with whom he has two teenage boys, and got kicked out of his house. He's been seeing some trashy town bicycle and living in a tent in someone else's yard. He visited my Mom yesterday, and my assumption when she got off the phone was that he was visiting her specifically for Easter. I thought it was a nice gesture since my Mom doesn't have much left after my Dad died.
But that's just disappointing. Based on her description, he was tweaking the fuck out even while talking to her.
I have memories of being a tiny little Nintendo gremlin, watching him play Metroid on the NES and making maps for it - maps that I read, maps that I followed.
It's weird to think about someone from my childhood, my own family being on a drug like meth, but here we are.

I need to get black shoe paint and fix up my old Anarchic stompers. I usually post pictures of shit like this, but I'm too tired to take one and resize and upload it, and nothing exists online because these are from like the early 2000s.
The fake black finish on them flakes off like a motherfucker. There are large gray patches all over them, and I need to fix that.

I'm still so angry that I left my creepers behind...

I really don't know what else to put in this, and I feel like I adequately emptied the thoughts from my head that were keeping me awake hours ago, so I'm going to do the dishes and try to take a nap.

Marilyn Manson: The Reflecting God