> Tue, Mar 26, 2024 • 1:00 PM

I cleaned up the entries a little bit and added an "About" page. Not that I expect anyone to be interested enough in this thing to read it, anyway. But it's there for the curious, I suppose. I'm probably not the only one that randomly browses tags in the Neocities directory, looking for layout inspo or otherwise.

I kind of want to make an attempt to morph this into the Generator layout from Livejournal (without all the interaction links and edit entry buttons), but I also... don't want to do that. At the very least because I don't really want an infinite-scrolling feed, and I don't know how to do pagination non-manually. (I assume that takes some javascript knowledge, and I know all of piss and dick about JS.)
I mean, I could just do one page per month, but, even though my entry posting has been extremely frequent as of late, I also tend to go months between journal entries at certain times in my life.
I'm also considering doing iframes and just having the entry links on the side. But... I need to learn how to do iframes first. And I don't have time for that.

It's been cold and I just want a fucking clove. I hate that this complex doesn't allow smoking on the grounds, and neither does the place I'm going.
Like there's a massive difference between just chainsmoking and stinking up the place, and just having one inside your own living space while leaving the windows open. And I don't think there should be limitations on doing it outside at all unless you're being a complete nuisance to other people in the process. (Blowing smoke in their faces, smoking around doorways, etc.)

Kind of wish I'd gone to Manitou just one more time before I leave, or camping in the mountains, but it can't be helped. My lease technically ends at the beginning of April (which is basically still winter here), and I can't afford to break the lease in the middle of it.

More cleaning.
Tried looking up and even calling the airlines to see if I could guarantee my Dad's guitar would go into valet baggage instead of being forced to be checked, but their site was no help and their automated phone system was no help.
So I need to either try calling them again tomorrow or going in to ask them.

I patched up more of my suitcase. More and more of it gets torn up every time it goes through checked luggage. I patched it up with duck and gorilla tape as best as I could.
I'm not going to be able to put all this stuff in here without it going overweight and incurring an overweight fee. I need to toss more shit. I can't ship anything else. I don't have the money.
My Mom told me to condense it down to only things that are absolutely necessary, and I suppose she's correct. I'm just such a sentimental person. Every piece in my closet has a story, and I don't want to let go of those stories. But I have to.

A trailer came out for Beetlejuice 2. It looks fun. He and I are definitely going to go see it when it comes out.
I still want him to do a couples costume of Beetlejuice and Lydia (the movie version in his case, the cartoon version in mine) with me one year for Halloween.
We don't really go out on Halloween, and he doesn't like going out on holidays period because that's when the police are slinking around looking for targets.
But I'd still like to do it at some point. Maybe he could have a small party at his place or something.

And yes, I am aware of the... unfortunate implications of us doing a couples costume as a creepy lecherous pedophile man and the teenage girl he tried to force to marry him, but I still want to do it.

Either way, going back to my original point, I hope the movie's fucking good. Hell, I might order a red Lydia-style web poncho just to go see it. I have a black and silver one, but that's just not the same. I should have just gotten one when I used to see them at Spirit ages ago. Although maybe they'll have more on Halloween store shelves this year since the second movie is coming out. Or, more likely, I'm just going to look online. I could even make one of my own with enough time and a craft store.

I'm glad I'm heading out through a small local airport. Internationals are impressive in scope, and I actually quite like Dallas'. It's nice. But goddamn I hate running around through their giant check-in lines, TSA, riding around to different gates through the skyrail tram... things and hoping you get there in time, etc.

I'm gonna close this entry out.
I really need to stop being distracted by this.

Vinesauce: Cursed Super Mario World Games