> Thu, Mar 21, 2024 • 2:48 AM

I wanted to get more things mailed out today but I woke up too late, I prepped too late, and I was finished getting ready too late. So I went to Target instead.
Got a few things, namely bubble wrap for my Dad's guitar, and some Bustelo coffee. I didn't even really want to spend the extra money on coffee grounds when I'm this close to leaving, but I can't subsist on tea alone in the mornings. I need my coffee. I need that kick.

Stopped by the lake on the way back, since it was nice out. Went and sat on a bench along the trail, stared at the water, listened to the wind rustling through the trees, lit up a clove, and just let my mind relax.
I've been swept up in a whirlwind lately, and I do not deal well with the rush. I am a sluggish and resolute creature. I do not go fast. I do not juggle several things at once. I space them out, and I do them one at a time, on my own time. It's even written into my star sign. So these past few months have been extremely exhausting.
But we're so close. We're so close.

Anyway, I planned to write more in this entry before I took a bath, but now I'm too tired to even think. And I'm not staying up until 5 in the morning again. I'm going to sleep.

Raunchy: Dim the Lights and Run